Saturday, May 5, 2012

Saturday Morning Stare-down

I should be typing my list. It is 7:00 a.m. and it is Saturday and all week I have been saying that I was going to be mowing the yard on Saturday, cleaning the garage, cleaning the basement, painting the lamppost, taking the air conditioner plugs out, taking the insultating plastic off the windows (in the sunroom), planting garden, weeding, taking the garden tiller and snow blower in to see why they won’t start and oh yes and I want to go to the funeral for an elderly man from our church. I know I left off a few things. Not listed above was the thought that I was going to sleep in this morning, but instead of that I woke up at seems to me my plans for the day are off to a bad start. Some of the projects are ongoing (I am not sure the garage and basement will ever be organized – at least not while I am living – that sort of sounds morbid but its really a acknowledgement of mortality that someday that basement and garage will be emptied of all my stuff). Some of the projects are once and done, like walking around the house and pulling out the plugs that keep the warm air from going up into the air conditioning duct system during the winter. It was warm and sticky yesterday and a few more like that and we are going to want the A.C. to be working. So here I am I made my list. Wow. Let’s see how I do. Saturday Evening Update Snowblower and Tiller to repair shop Got lost twice on way back from the shop - somehow ended up in Reemstown Went to funeral sprayed for weeds in yard primed (with paint) the mailbox post and gave the lamppost a 2nd coat of primer puttered around the garden (which included pulling up a "weed" that was growing next to a blueberry bush that turned out to be a potato replanted potoe with the potatoes (not sure it will grow) went pitch and putt golfing with my daughter - 10 holes she shot a 50 I got a 54 made mint tea from fresh mint growing in the flowerbed/fig orchard/ rhubarb patch helped Esther clean some cupboards watched Kentucky Derby Layed on the floor with the dog on my shoulder Moved everything on my Saturday to do list to sometime early next week.

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