Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Happy Birthday "Nasson"

Today is my son’s 21st birthday. I remember his birth and I remember the ride home from the birth center. My daughter Elizabeth was talking nonstop to her new brother the whole way home and every sentence starting with, “Nasson.” He still looks and listens to her for advice. “Nasson” or as he is now know “Nathan” has grown into a fine young man with a loving heart. He cares deeply and passionately about things. His shy and creative and despite the shyness, he is able to express himself in his writing. As an introvert myself I think it is great to be able to verbalize in a world that seems dominated by talkative Type “A” extroverts. He is a talented artist but he seldom draws, he is a talented musician though he seldom plays and I wish he would do more of both. He is a talented writer and sometimes I wish he would write less ( a little word play I couldn’t resist). Truthfully, I don’t want Nathan to write less but as a parent it is hard to see you child to struggle let alone on a public stage and since Nathan is blogging (like I am here)it truly is very public. I am reminded of the play Les Miserable that Nathan acted in during high school. After one of the performances I was talking to my friend Jerry, ( Jerry’s daughter played Eponine who sings a heart wrenching song as she is dying), and Jerry said it was hard watching his daughter die. Whether it “dying” on the stage in a high school production of Le Miz or the stage that is life it is difficult to see our children going through struggles and pain. I hope Nathan continues to write. I know he keeps a journal in which he jots down funny or unusual things that happen. He says he will use those in a movie script one day. I am sure he will. That excites me. I want to see that movie. And not just that movie but I want to continue to watch and be part of the movie that is Nathan’s life. I thank God every day for both my children and that I have been able to be part their film. Yes, it is a little harder now that I am older and I don’t have as big of role and have moved from being the star to being a supporting actor, but it’s a good part. I love everyone in the cast. Happy Birthday Nathan.

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