Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Rose on the Windshield

She came into class clutching a rose. “Someone put it on my car window. It’s not the first time, I have gotten other presents and flowers.” Some people in the class thought it romantic, others said it was scary. The girl said “I don’t know who is doing this?, I don’t know why?” About a week later someone who I had gotten to know as a friend came to me, “you have class with ****?” I said, “Yes.” “Do you know if she got the flower?” “Yes she did.” “I gave them to her.” “Why?” She then told me a story, “I was adopted. It took a lot of hard work but I found my birth mother and I called her and we met and talked. My birth mother told me I have a sister but made me promise not to contact her." My friend went on, “She’s the girl in your class. Don’t tell her. It’s why I transferred here. I just needed her to know that I was out there.” “I won’t tell,” I said. Years later I ran into my friend again. I asked her if she had told her sister about the reason for the rose. “No I never did, I kept my promise.” (this is a true story, it all happened over 30 years ago so the conversation and events are true the exact wording and what happened when may be a bit mixed up..the things my friend told me came over a period of several weeks...the alternative open that my memory also brings up is the girl came into class and said something to the effect that if someone in the class was leaving her flowers she wanted to say "thank you so much." Maybe both happened. I still remember the girl who got the flowers first name (and I remember very few from my college classes (especially electives)but because of the promise to my friend I am not putting it here. If by some strange feat she were to contact me I would confirm...but since very few people even read my blog i don't think that is going to happen...although I wish it.)

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