Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My God, My God, Why have you Forsaken Me?

So Good Friday and Easter are over but for me there is still the lingering satisfaction of having learned something new. I have been reading N.T. Wright lately (Not the thick 800 page theological discourses but the more recent aimed at the people like me). I finished “Simply Jesus” a few weeks ago and have moved on to “How God Became King”. I have only just started the second so I can’t say absolutely it is a must read but yes I think “Simply Jesus” is.
Both books talk about the crucifixion and the resurrection and how the kingdom has begun and that God is now King. Which brings us to “MY GOD MY GOD WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME?” and an article I read online
The internet monk article is based on an article in Christianity Today
Those at the foot of the cross would have heard Jesus’ cry and recognized it as coming from Psalm 22 and just like if we only heard “our Father who art in heaven.” They would have known the rest. Psalm 22 was considered a prophetic passage (a song) that tells of struggle but of God’s eventually victory.
This take on “My God My God” was all new territory for me as I had often heard the explanation that Jesus was saying that having the sin of the world on him that God couldn’t even look at him. But as the article expresses it might not be saying that at all or at least not with that simplistic of explanation. For myself I grabbed the only Psalms available to me when I was reading the article…which was from “The Message” and the verse that grabbed me was, “Yahweh has taken charge; from now on he has the last word.”
Jesus was alone, he was on the cross, God in the form man having joined us and like us facing death and Jesus’ cry is one of triumph. “My God My God Why have you Forsaken me?” is just the start of the song a song (Psalm) that ends in victory…God has become King.

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