Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Going Public

Up until now this blog has been a personal and private excersise into the very public world of the Internet Blog. I never advertised the site. I told no one its address and in a what can only be described as randomness would I post and then only photographs sent with the briefest of explanation from my cell phone. Some were pictures I liked and some were posted because I found the subject interesting. So why now? I am not sure and I don't know if it is something I can continue on any kind of extended period.

What I hope not to be writing about is politics (although I would suppose it could be argued that most things have a political tint to them). I also think I will probably not post very often. Often we (I) set out with the best intentions but....

I like to think of myself as a deep thinker (not sure if I really am) but even though the well may be deep doesn't mean I hvae the rope or bucket to pull anything out.

I am very private and guarded and find that the few times in my life I have acted or reacted hastily that I found I was either wrong or evne when I was correct that I should have used more discretion. I try to write and speak by the philosophy thay says, "it is better to be quiet and thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt."

Wow, all of that makes the blog sound like it is going to be boring...I hope not. I do hope to dip into the well as deeply as I can and pull up something worth reading about. So If you are reading this...Welcome aboard and thanks - I think. Comments are welcome but screened. I reserve the right to edit, censor and delete entire posts.

Also if you scroll to the very bottom of the page you can actually subscribe to email updates or at least notifications that I have updated. I did draw up a list today of some topics I want to write about. So for the next few weeks at least we might not be boring and fairly regular.


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